St. Thomas Aquinas AcademyCOURSE OVERVIEW
Formal one-paragraph essay training; assignments are coordinated with Old Testament I, Greek History I, Greek Literature I, and Astronomy I.
18-week course plan for Jensen’s Format Writing: How to Write Easily and Well. This is a single book that we break into three parts, each part completed in a semester. This year is the study of the one-paragraph essay. The student learns to recognize the seven formal essay formats—example, classification, definition, process, analogy, cause & effect, and comparison—and learns to respond to an essay prompt in its own format. Each assignment trains, then guides the student in “the general procedure for constructing a [format type] essay,” then in the steps of “working it through.” Be sure these two sets of steps, “general procedure” and “working it through,” are thoroughly understood, exercised, and internalized this year. “Check Sheets & Forms” (evaluation keys) are included in the back of the worktext. Great Writing: A Reader for Writers is our recommended resource and reference for Jensen’s Format Writing. It includes expanded discussion of the format types and samples of the types drawn from well-known authors and works. A variety of helpful worksheets for this program are included on the STAA Student Zone.
Basic information about the books and materials for this course follows; see your Academic Packet or STAA Study Guide for full ordering details and commentary about each resource.
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Semester 1: Greek Studies IB Study Guide
Student study guides and course plans for the first semester of the Greek Studies, B Track cycle. Designed to work in conjunction with STAA advisor support, our live classes, or the "Independent Study with Online Support" option, the STAA Study Guides include weekly reading plans, assignment directions, reflection topics, and gradebooks for the semester and help prepare students for the weekly, graded online quizzes. This guide includes multiple subjects. To further personalize your student's plan, single-subject study guides are available at
160 pgs; seven parts; tests; answer key; teacher’s notes; evaluation forms; index. DVD lectures to expand upon student text are also available from Rainbow Resource, but are not required. We use this book for three semesters. The page numbers, not the content, changed between the 2006 and 2016 editions of "Format Writing." The 2006 edition page numbers are listed in the STAA Study Guide followed by brackets with the 2016 edition page numbers.
Great Writing: A Reader for Writers [ORDER USED]
Any edition will do; our course plans use the 1987 edition's page numbers. Follow the chapter names if you order another edition. Save money: get a used copy through Amazon Marketplace Sellers ($5-$14 plus shipping). This is a secular, college text.
DOWNLOAD: Essay Worksheets: Basic & Advanced
Printable versions of the Essay Worksheets mentioned in the "High School Orientation" can be printed from the student course webpage.
Jensen’s Grammar (Textbook, Tests and Answers)
352 pages; 75 lessons; worksheet format; 5 student charts. Entire workbook completed over the course of six semesters.
Jensen's Punctuation: A Complete Guide to All Your Punctuation Needs
234 pages; worksheets, spiral reviews and final exams; answer key included in text; Grades 6-12. The page numbers, not the content, changed between the 2000 and 2016 editions of "Jensen's Punctuation." The 2000 edition page numbers are listed in the STAA Study Guide followed by brackets with the 2016 edition page numbers.
General Punctuation Rules Reference (GPR)
Print and keep handy the "General Punctuation Rules Reference (GPR)." This reference is based on the punctuation rules from "Jensen's Punctuation" that we study and memorize throughout high school. This resource is available in the APPENDIX OF FORMS and is linked to at the top of every Language Arts course page on the STAA Student Zone.
Self-Instruction in Handwriting [or other formal, daily cursive penmanship practice]
112 pages. The book is consumable, but keep it in your school room every year of high school as the core reference book for the cursive penmanship practice associated with the Academy's English Mechanics courses.
There are online resources such as weekly reading quizzes, special downloads, advisor support through the Q & A forum, occasional slide shows or videos, and more for this course. To activate your student's online access, 1) submit the Course Registration form after your annual planning appointment, 2) register for the live class, or 3) register for the "Independent Study with Online Support Option." After completing one of the registration options, students (and teaching-parents) may use their usernames and passwords to sign into the member site. The STAA Student Zone is available each school year from August 1 to July 15.
376 pages. This is our favorite desktop thesaurus but any large, collegiate-level thesaurus will do.
Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fourth Edition
This is only one option; any full-size collegiate level dictionary is fine. It is a good idea to have an exhaustive desktop dictionary and a condensed, pocket-sized dictionary readily available.
98 pages. One of many MLA style guides. Our course plans reference the free online resource from Purdue -- the Online Writing Lab (OWL) website -- but students are welcome to use this simplified handbook or another instead of visiting the OWL website.
Fall Live Class: Essay Writing B
Small-group, advisor-led live online class for students in Grades 8 through 12 that meets every academic week of the first semester. Advisor grading of writing assignments and English Mechanics exercises included for all students for students registered for this live class.