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The History of the Church: Student Text, Complete Edition

The History of the Church: Student Text, Complete Edition

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Author: Peter V. Armenio (The Didache Series)

Publisher: Midwest Theological Forum

ISBN: 1890177466  978-1890177461

Hardcover; 816 pages; 22 chapters.  This text is used in Church History I, II, and III.  The workbook and teacher's manual are not needed.  Order the COMPLETE edition, not the semester edition of the student text.  This is a non-consumable text that will be used by a single student during most of high school and can be passed on to younger siblings; it is best to purchase the text rather than rent it.

The book is not listed well on Amazon, but can be ordered through Amazon by clicking on the "Other Used and New" option to spend approximately $56.00 on the text.  There you will see the publisher, Midwest Theological Forum, will actually be the one fulfilling the order.  Here is a link to the ordering page on the publisher's website if you would like to order directly.
Description from the publisherThe History of the Church begins with the story of God’s intervention into human history in Jesus Christ and continues through all major events in the Church’s history, including the Great Schism, the Reformation, and Counter-Reformation.  This text, complete with maps, timelines, and illustrations, places the Church in her context throughout history; furthering the salvific mission of Christ and explaining the role that the Church has played in shaping history and culture.


The closing of every chapter includes further readings and topics for discussion:

  • Supplementary Reading from Popes, Saints, and Church documents
  • Vocabulary, Study Questions and Practical Exercises
  • From the Catechism – pertinent reference going deeper into chapter topics
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