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St. Thomas Aquinas Academy

Semester 1: Roman Studies IA Study Guide

Semester 1: Roman Studies IA Study Guide

Student study guides and course plans for the first semester of the Roman Studies cycle.

This book includes eighteen-week course plans for:

  1. Essay Writing A   » Booklist »
  2. Church History IA   » Booklist »
  3. Roman History IA   » Booklist »
  4. Roman Literature IA   » Booklist »


Regular price $39.99 USD
Regular price $49.99 USD Sale price $39.99 USD
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Online versions of the study guides are available to teaching-parents and students to view on the STAA Student Zone website (login required). Students can use the online study guides while waiting for the printed and bound versions to arrive when study guides are lost or ordered late.

Printing & Shipping

This guide is printed and bound just for you when you order it! It usually takes 3 to 5 business days for the printing, binding, and packing. Upgrading the speed of shipping when you checkout will change how fast the mail carrier moves the package from the printing center to your home.

Note: It takes longer to print and pack study guides in late July, August, and December.

Product Details

8.5 × 11 inches, 384 pages, paperback coil bound (a flexible, black plastic coil allows the guide to lie flat)

Return Policy

This guide is printed and bound just for you when you order it! Printed-on-demand products are not returnable. Please use the contact form on our website to report any issues with the quality of the printing or binding of your guides.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
G. O., Grade 11

Basis for Rating: From the start, Essay Writing A was an exciting, challenging course for me. In a matter of weeks, I was learning how to write quick, concise essays. However, the weekly quizzes proved frustrating for me because they addressed topics I was not studying. For instance, the EWR quizzes covered concepts discussed in the live classes; however, I was not a live-class student, so a majority of the quiz material was irrelevant and unfamiliar. For this reason, I rate this course 4/5 stars.Review:             Reflecting on this past, rigorous school semester of Essay Writing A, I find that the most important lesson I learned is the importance of literary conciseness. In Jensen’s Format Writing, one of the textbooks used in this course, author Frode Jensen discusses this principle. Specifically in the introduction of section five, Jensen lists the hallmarks of concise papers: Good papers are not padded; they are composed of muscle and bone, not fat [...] Learn to digest the information you read and hear so that you can penetrate to the heart of the matter. When you write, be clear and concise; don’t waste your reader’s time. Have something to say (176).This advice transformed my papers. Instead of repeating verbose language throughout my essays, I learned how to condense my thoughts and tighten my structure. In the beginning, I must admit that writing concisely was challenging. It required practice. However, the more I applied Jensen's timely instructions, the clearer and more rewarding my papers became. Learning the importance of conciseness in writing proved the most impactful lesson I received this past semester. Thus, I highly recommend to incoming STAA students to pay attention and heed the advice offered in Jensen’s Format Writing. By writing concisely, students can convey not only clear messages, but they can deeply penetrate the hearts of their readers and ultimately glorify God. Jensen, Frode. Jensen’s Format Writing. Master Books, 2016, p. 176.

Printed On-Demand Just for You!

The STAA Study Guides and booklets are custom printed when you place your order and usually ship within 3-5 business days (or 5-15 business days during July, August, and December). These printed-on-demand products are not returnable so be sure to reach out with your questions before placing your order.

The STAA Study Guides complement the online quizzes and resources available to St. Thomas Aquinas Academy students or those registered for live classes. We do not recommend purchasing the study guides for students who do not have access to the STAA Student Zone website. See the links below to discuss ordering and enrollment options with an advisor.

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