St. Thomas Aquinas AcademyCourse Registration No. PE -673
"But if a man uses exercise, food, and drink in
moderation, he will become physically strong and
his health will be improved and preserved. It is the
same with the virtues of the soul -- for instance,
fortitude, temperance, and the other virtues."
St. Thomas Aquinas
Cultivate a habit of healthy physical activity: regularity is more important than the amount of time you give it. Attach yourself to a reasonable daily routine, such as thirty minutes, rain or shine, of walking, hiking, jogging, running, swimming, biking, aerobic classes, treadmill, elliptical, stair stepper, rowing, or the like or as directed by your doctor or other healthcare professional. High school students need at least 75+ hours per school year. All time in weight training, cardio exercise, and formal or informal sports can be logged for Physical Education.
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Gradebook for Physical Education
Available as a download from the STAA Student Zone. |