St. Thomas Aquinas AcademyCourse Registration No. ALG-003
Saxon Algebra 1 for two 30-minute sessions daily. A two-semester course that earns one full year of high school Algebra credits.
A portion of every purchase made on Amazon after following the links here goes to help support St. Thomas Aquinas Academy's work. Thank you so very much for thinking of STAA when placing your book and general Amazon orders!
Saxon Algebra 1 Home Study Kit (3rd Edition)
Hardcover. 564 pages. You will need the textbook, test forms, and answer booklet for the 3rd edition. A kit with the solution manual is recommended. Saxon Algebra 1 covers signed numbers, exponents, solving equations, two equations with unknowns, graphing equations, scientific notation, ratio, percent, variation, unit conversions, geometry, perimeter, area, volume, English to metric conversion, surface area. |
Saxon Math Algebra I D.I.V.E. CD-ROM
Khan Academy (
Quality, free math videos are available at This is an excellent resource to reference when studying new concepts, reviewing concepts, or practicing taking math notes from lecture. |
Saxon Algebra 1/2 Homeschool Kit, 3rd Edition
Includes the hardcover student text, softcover answer key and softcover test booklet; 123 lessons. Covers area, percent, ratio, order of operations, beginning algebra concepts. |
Available on the STAA Member Site. Sign in as a teaching-parent > click on 'Resource Library for Teaching-Parents' > click on the 'STAA HANDBOOK: Part 2, Study Guides.' |
Gradebooks to track progress and grades are available in the back of the STAA Study Guide and on the STAA Student Zone as a PDF download. Current enrollment and the username and password from your family's WEB LOGINS document are required to access this resource. See the "High School Orientation" for more information about gradebooks. |