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St. Thomas Aquinas Academy

Essay Writing B (EWG-B) Study Guide

Essay Writing B (EWG-B) Study Guide

Part of Greek Studies, B Track.

A single-subject booklet that includes a semester of reasoning.

This booklet includes the eighteen-week course plans for:

Essay Writing B (EWG-B)
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This guide is printed and bound just for you when you order it! It usually takes 3 to 5 business days for the printing, binding, and packing. Upgrading the speed of shipping when you checkout will change how fast the mail carrier moves the package from the printing center to your home.

Note: It takes longer to print and pack study guides in late July, August, and December.

Product Details

8.5 × 11 inches, 92 pages, paperback coil bound (a flexible, black plastic coil allows the guide to lie flat)

Return Policy

This guide is printed and bound just for you when you order it! Printed-on-demand products are not returnable. Please use the contact form on our website to report any issues with the quality of the printing or binding of your guides.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
C. O., Grade 9

Basis for Rating: This course was great! I enjoyed all the books, yet I did not enjoy that each week I was given three to four quizzes. With so many quizzes it is very hard for me to keep up with the prescribed school weeks.Review: My favorite lesson from Jensen's Format Writing was “The Cause and Effect Essay”. I thought it was so amazing that “The function of the cause and effect essay is to give reasons as to why something has happened or perhaps will happen in the future” (Jensen 119). Of all the books I read for Essay Writing B, I enjoyed Jensen's Format Writing the most since it displayed so many different formats for writing a paper in such an easy manner.Jensen, Frode. Jensen’s Format Writing. Master Books, 2016.

L. P., Grade 11

Basis for Rating: I loved the amount of writing, the help from the staff, and the challenge the course offered. I learned a lot from it and really enjoyed it.Review: The course was a lot of fun and a lot of learning.  The one lesson that really influenced me, though, was  Jensen's Format Writing's lesson on thesis statements (Jensen 59-62).  I had a vague idea of what thesis statements were, but I did not know how helpful and essential they were in essays.  I also did not know (which I quickly learned) that I was supposed to put it in neutral terms and not immediately show my position, which was referred to as bias.  Studying that one lesson really, really helped my essay writing, and what I learned from the rest of the course improved my writing and grammar skills a lot.

L. W., Grade 11

Basis for Rating: I really appreciated this course especially in its impact on my writing skills.Review: In this course I learned many beautiful lessons of proper grammar, punctuation, and writing. I experienced the importance of knowing the content information and knowing it well before I would sit down to write my essay. The outline and brainstorm of an essay are half or most of the battle of writing the paper itself. Most days I would just lazily write the paper without doing the proper work of brainstorming and outlining it to spare time, however, I came to understand that it actually took an extremely shorter amount of time to work on the skeleton of the paper beforehand. I came to this conclusion from having to reformat my work after finishing a sloppy paper. Jensen’s Format Writing states, “Those who consciously outline their ideas according to a given pattern are often rewarded with a more tightly organized piece of writing and one that is more effective in its impact” (Jensen 20). 

Printed On-Demand Just for You!

The STAA Study Guides and booklets are custom printed when you place your order and usually ship within 3-5 business days (or 5-15 business days during July, August, and December). These printed-on-demand products are not returnable so be sure to reach out with your questions before placing your order.

The STAA Study Guides complement the online quizzes and resources available to St. Thomas Aquinas Academy students or those registered for live classes. We do not recommend purchasing the study guides for students who do not have access to the STAA Student Zone website. See the links below to discuss ordering and enrollment options with an advisor.

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